My practice is closed for private sessions—however I am available for consultations and supervisions at all levels for anyone in the SE community.
Ariel Giarretto, LMFT, SEP, CMT, CSB is an internationally known body-oriented psychotherapist, trauma specialist, and Somatic Sex Educator. Her passion is to support people of all cultures and ages in how to find ease and pleasure in their bodies, increase intimacy, and find freedom from the grip of trauma. She is the co-developer of “The Full Embodiment Model” which offers gentle, transformative workshops for people wanting to heal from the effects of sexuality/gender trauma, sexual abuse and disembodiment. Trained in a wide variety of somatic therapies, she is primarily informed by Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing (SE), the beautiful, heart-centered work that treats the physiological effects of the trauma, as well as connects people to their deepest, core self. For 17 years she has been full-time SE teaching faculty, training and mentoring practitioners all over the globe. Throughout the 90’s she was on staff at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, as an active member of the community, a workshop and group leader, a private therapist and part of the bodywork and massage crew. She has extensive training in prenatal and birth therapy with Ray Castellino, as well as attachment and early developmental trauma, and has been a home birth “doula”, a dancer, a drummer, an athlete, a cook, a world traveler and adventurer, a juggler and performer at the Renaissance Faires and is particularly fond of her doodle puppy Freya, her Green Cheek Conures, Tulip and Oscar, and of course her partner Jeffrey. She is based in the San Francisco Bay Area. For more info: