***My Somatic Experiencing practice is currently on a waitlist until March 2025. ***
My name is Danielle.
I help individuals tune into and listen to the body's unspoken voice to help them navigate difficult transitions and integrate past experiences and trauma through a symbolic journey.
I am a depth psychologically oriented and trained Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.
I am a stage I Jungian psychoanalytic training candidate.
I am also a doctor of physical therapy, which informs how I engage with the body.
Finally, I am currently a depth psychology Ph.D. candidate at Pacifica Graduate Insitute, writing my dissertation on the intersection of depth/archetypal psychology, somatics, and chronic illness.
I’m a light-hearted introvert who loves to explore the mysteries of the body and psyche.
While here in the cosmic soup with you, I have dedicated my life to exploring and undoing the rational gaps we have placed between science and the sacred, between the inner and outer, and between the mind and body.