Itta Wiedenmann holds a masters degree in Cultural and Social Sciences from Hamburg University. Over the past 30 years, she has successfully combined body and mind-oriented therapy as a licensed private practitioner. She is professionally trained in PhysioTherapy/PT, Osteopathy, Craniosacraltherapy, Feldenkrais Method, Hakomi, Family Constellation Work, and Somatic Experiencing. Additionally, she organizes and leads trainings and workshops for groups in various fields, focusing on self-awareness, personal potential, and stress management. Most recently, the aspect of fostering the interrelational capacity has become central in her methods and teaching.Itta is a founding member and initial chairwoman of both the German SE Association (SE Deutschland e.V.) and also the European Association for SE (EASE). Still today, she continues her work as a senior faculty member of SETI (SE Trauma Institute), where she teaches all levels of the SE Professional Training in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands. In her hometown Munich, Itta and Dr. med. Ulrich Schoch co-founded the Institute for Neurotracking® (INT), a training facility for health and social professionals who work with people exposed to trauma.