I specialize in supporting caretakers, empaths, creatives, children and those suffering from PTSD, ADHD anxiety, depression, phobias, addiction, sleep issues, spiritual bypass and more. Collaborate with me on a journey of healing through mindfulness, hypnosis, somatic awareness, neural retraining and the power of the imagination.
It it is my commitment to guide and support transformation for those I work with. In addition, I provide trainings for therapists, healers and artists. Past trainings include the NYU McSilver Institute, Omega Institute and the Primal Trust academy for Neural retraining.
With a bigger perspective, we understand challenging times provide the chance for great transformation. We are given an opportunity to release old trauma held in our bodies, the result of overwhelming life events and old beliefs. This liberates energy to connect us with our most empowered, regulated and authentic selves. Sorting out the jewels from the rubble in a loving presence restores our inherent capacity to heal and know our own power. We can learn that we are not our story.