Sille’s practice blends the non-invasive hands on approach of Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapy and SE Touch Work skills for nervous system regulation. In addition she incorporates verbal guidance and hands-on skills from her SE training as well as five other modalities. They include <span style="text-decoration: underline">DARe</span> (Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning experience) and <span style="text-decoration: underline">Touch Skills for Trauma Therapists,</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline">TEB</span> (transforming the experience based brain) -touch skills for early developmental trauma, <span style="text-decoration: underline">SRR</span> (Somatic Resilience and Regulation) and <span style="text-decoration: underline">Alchemical Alignment</span>. <strong>W</strong><strong><em>hile listening to the story of the body</em></strong> Sille supports the body to have a voice and support its story be told through somatic sensation, movements that emerge spontaneously and are wanting to be expressed or completed and images. Words might arise organically as well. Sille is <span style="text-decoration: underline">not</span> a psychologist or a psychotherapist, she is a licensed Massage Therapist the District of Columbia, Board Certified In Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and brings 39 years of experience as a Somatic Educator.
She creates an atmosphere of <strong><em>connection and collaboration</em></strong> that supports her clients moving towards a greater sense of well being. This is created by cultivating a sense of safety, non-judgment, attunement, a resonant field and holding the inherent and intrinsic belief that everyone can heal. This is not regressive therapy. Sille's work <strong><em>supports the body’s/nervous system's ability to self regulate and return to it’s organic nature</em></strong>, this in turn can facilitate change and you might experience more resilience and a greater capacity to be with the challenges and stressors of life.
An important aspect of SE placing your attention on to <strong>what is happening in your body in</strong> present time with support and awareness. This work can allow for the rediscovery of parts of your self that you have might have lost connection with. SE Touch Work has the ability to change life long patterns that no longer serve you and<em><strong> your energy can then be available to experience the pleasure of being alive.</strong></em>
Sille is a member of the following professional organizations: <strong>AMTA</strong> (American Massage Therapy Association), <strong>BCTA/NA</strong> - The Biodynamic Craniosacral Association of North America, Associate member of <strong>USABP</strong> (United States Association for Body Psychotherapy), <strong>EMPA</strong> - Energy Medicine Professional Association and holds a Lifetime Membership with the<strong> Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute</strong>.
<em>“<strong>Collaboration and connection is key. We are not meant to go-it alone”</strong> </em><em>Berns Galloway</em>
<em><strong>"We are all inherently hardwired to heal - we have an innate ability to overcome the effects of trauma and unleash the core aliveness we all possess."</strong> </em><em>Diane Poole Heller</em>