Ursula Funke-Kaiser


Ursula Funke-Kaiser

SE® Faculty, SEP,

Ursula Funke-Kaiser studied law and worked as a judge for several years before she underwent extensive training in body and breath therapy, art therapy and followed her interest in Jungian psychotherapy. She is examined as healing practitioner for psychotherapy. After she met Dr. Peter Levine her professional life focused on trauma therapy with Somatic Experiencing. Having worked with Dr. Levine in trainings in Germany, Switzerland, Denmark and Israel she is faculty member and teaches SE in Germany.

She was member of the Board of the German Association of Somatic Experiencing and her special interest lies in bringing SE forward in the health system. In Stuttgart she runs a private practise as she finds it especially useful to work with own clients when teaching SE.

.She manages a family counseling centre and a unit for professional trainings.

Ursula has completed the Radiant Mind Teacher Training with Peter Fenner.

She is Zen-scholar in the tradition of Sanbo-Kyodan and member of the European Association of Body-Psychotherapists.  She sees private clients and teaches SE on the Advanced level.


Business Phone:
Hölderlinplatz 2 A